IN MOCEAN Impact Report


Impact 2022

The people that supported IN MOCEAN in 2022 created a beautiful harmony together. I look forward to the leaps and bounds towards cleaner oceans and shorelines in 2023.

Maria LaPointe, Co-Founder of IN MOCEAN

The positive feedback we got throughout our first year helping people to set up recycling workspaces gives us a lot of strength and energy to keep fighting plastic pollution.

Nike Steiger, Co-Founder of IN MOCEAN

The people that supported IN MOCEAN in 2022 created a beautiful harmony together. I look forward to the leaps and bounds towards cleaner oceans and shorelines in 2023.

Maria LaPointe, Co-Founder of IN MOCEAN

The positive feedback we got throughout our first year helping people to set up recycling workspaces gives us a lot of strength and energy to keep fighting plastic pollution.

Nike Steiger, Co-Founder of IN MOCEAN

We have to do something about this

Have you ever visited a pretty beach and found yourself surrounded by plastic trash? Have you ever wished there was something you could do about it? We did and you can too! Find out how to get IN MOCEAN!

Nike, on a polluted beach on Isla Viveros, Panama

We have to do something about this

Have you ever visited a pretty beach and found yourself surrounded by plastic trash? Have you ever wished there was something you could do about it? We did and you can too! Find out how to get IN MOCEAN!

Nike, on a polluted beach on Isla Viveros, Panama

Make Plastic Precious

„We empower people that are affected by the plastic waste crisis by helping them turn that plastic into new, sellable products. This makes a tangible change on a local level, generating sustainable growth for local communities."

Maria, on the Osa Penisnula in Costa Rica

Make Plastic Precious

„We empower people that are affected by the plastic waste crisis by helping them turn that plastic into new, sellable products. This makes a tangible change on a local level, generating sustainable growth for local communities."

Maria, on the Osa Penisnula in Costa Rica

Our Impact in 2022

Let`s take a look at the impact your donations and our collective actions have made on the people and the environment in 2022.

Our Impact in 2022

Let`s take a look at the impact your donations and our collective actions have made on the people and the environment in 2022.


Our main focus is providing solutions to tackle the plastic trash crisis on a local level. We empower people to set up small-scale Recycling Workspaces that bring plastic waste out of the environment and back into the economy.

These workspaces create new income streams for local communities, giving them incentives to collect plastic waste from nature and households.

Our main focus is providing solutions to tackle the plastic trash crisis on a local level. We empower people to set up small-scale Recycling Workspaces that bring plastic waste out of the environment and back into the economy.

These workspaces create new income streams for local communities, giving them incentives to collect plastic waste from nature and households.

Eco Centro Saboga Bonita, Panama

In spring 2022, we helped Marta to set up a recycling center with a strong educational focus. It was her goal to make beach clean ups and educational workshops more sustainable.

IN MOCEAN`s job was to get the recycling machines working, to help to define the process of collecting and cleaning the plastic and to train the people who would be working in the Eco Center. We also helped to set up the first local sales partners.

Isla Saboga is in the Las Perlas Archipelago on the pacific side of Panama. The beaches are heavily polluted by plastic. Like many remote islands, there is only an unregulated landfill to deal with trash.

In spring 2022, we helped Marta to set up a recycling center with a strong educational focus. It was her goal to make beach clean ups and educational workshops more sustainable.

IN MOCEAN`s job was to get the recycling machines working, to help to define the process of collecting and cleaning the plastic and to train the people who would be working in the Eco Center. We also helped to set up the first local sales partners.

Isla Saboga is in the Las Perlas Archipelago on the pacific side of Panama. The beaches are heavily polluted by plastic. Like many remote islands, there is only an unregulated landfill to deal with trash.

IN MOCEAN offered what we needed

„It helped immensely to have someone to exchange ideas with, to define processes and to get everything going. We knew about the community, but we did not know about the separation and preparation of the plastic, or about how to use the machines and make actual products from the recycled plastic. We value IN MOCEAN as a long-term partner to further develop our recycling activities.“

Marta, Founder of the Eco Centro Saboga Bonita, Panama

IN MOCEAN offered what we needed

„It helped immensely to have someone to exchange ideas with, to define processes and to get everything going. We knew about the community, but we did not know about the separation and preparation of the plastic, or about how to use the machines and make actual products from the recycled plastic. We value IN MOCEAN as a long-term partner to further develop our recycling activities.“

Marta, Founder of the Eco Centro Saboga Bonita, Panama

„Being accepted by the locals fuelled our belief in the work we do. It wasn‘t always easy, though, and we learned a lot for future projects.“

Nike, about working three months on Saboga Island, Panama

„Being accepted by the locals fuelled our belief in the work we do. It wasn‘t always easy, though, and we learned a lot for future projects.“

Nike, about working three months on Saboga Island, Panama

Tortugas de Osa, Costa Rica

IN MOCEAN helped Laura in 2021 to set up a recycling center, enabling recycling for beach plastic and plastic from the camp generating income from local sales.

Unfortunately, most of the infrastructure had been destroyed by the harsh conditions during rainy season.
In fall 2022, we came back and with joint forces, we managed to set up a more resistant workspace that ideally can become a recycling hub for the entire area. We also installed a solar system so the recycling activities can be powered 100% by renewable energy.

The turtle conservation center is tucked away in the remote jungle in the Rio Oro area of Costa Rica. There is no local trash infrastructure and a lot of local waste is burned.

IN MOCEAN helped Laura in 2021 to set up a recycling center, enabling recycling for beach plastic and plastic from the camp generating income from local sales.

Unfortunately, most of the infrastructure had been destroyed by the harsh conditions during rainy season.
In fall 2022, we came back and with joint forces, we managed to set up a more resistant workspace that ideally can become a recycling hub for the entire area. We also installed a solar system so the recycling activities can be powered 100% by renewable energy.

The turtle conservation center is tucked away in the remote jungle in the Rio Oro area of Costa Rica. There is no local trash infrastructure and a lot of local waste is burned.

IN MOCEAN enabled the next step

„We had already been collecting a lot of trash from the beaches during our turtle conservation activities. But since we are in such a remote area, we were accumulating a lot of waste in our camp and were looking for ways to deal with it on the spot. That`s why we were very grateful to have the opportunity to work with IN MOCEAN to help us get there.“

Laura, Founder of Tortugas de Osa, Costa Rica

IN MOCEAN enabled the next step

„We had already been collecting a lot of trash from the beaches during our turtle conservation activities. But since we are in such a remote area, we were accumulating a lot of waste in our camp and were looking for ways to deal with it on the spot. That`s why we were very grateful to have the opportunity to work with IN MOCEAN to help us get there.“

Laura, Founder of Tortugas de Osa, Costa Rica

Carrying the knowledge forward

„I could experience first hand, how difficult it is, to set up a recycling workspace in the middle of the jungle. I learned heaps and am taking home a suitcase full of inspiration and information on how to extend my fight against plastic toys in magazines in the UK into a full on community recycling program in North Whales.“

Eco Champ Skye, 3-month Volunteer at Tortugas de Osa

Carrying the knowledge forward

„I could experience first hand, how difficult it is, to set up a recycling workspace in the middle of the jungle. I learned heaps and am taking home a suitcase full of inspiration and information on how to extend my fight against plastic toys in magazines in the UK into a full on community recycling program in North Whales.“

Eco Champ Skye, 3-month Volunteer at Tortugas de Osa

Impact of Workspaces in 2022


of plastic waste were
collected from nature and
saved from landfills or burning


new jobs were created


of plastic waste were collected from nature and saved from landfills or burning


new jobs were created

While these changes might seem small,

 for the affected people and their communities, it makes a whole world of a difference.

While these changes might seem small,

 for the affected people and their communities, it makes a whole world of a difference.


The first step towards a cleaner tomorrow is to raise awareness about the plastic waste crisis, and how small-scale recycling is a possible
solution to tackle it.

That`s why we do clean ups, organize
recycling events & workshops and create digital content about plastic recycling.

The first step towards a cleaner tomorrow is to raise awareness about the plastic waste crisis, and how small-scale recycling is a possible
solution to tackle it.

That`s why we do clean ups, organize
recycling events & workshops and create digital content about plastic recycling.

Clean ups are a powerful multi-tool

“Removing trash from nature together creates a feeling of unity and hope that we can tackle the global plastic pollution crisis. It`s also a great way of meeting like minded organizations and ex- change ideas and information. It was interesting to connect with IN MOCEAN during our Clean Up and to learn about the possibilities and potential of small scale recycling. We will look into this!“

Eunice, Clean Up with Misión Tiburón in Golfito, Costa Rica

Clean ups are a powerful multi-tool

“Removing trash from nature together creates a feeling of unity and hope that we can tackle the global plastic pollution crisis. It`s also a great way of meeting like minded organizations and ex- change ideas and information. It was interesting to connect with IN MOCEAN during our Clean Up and to learn about the possibilities and potential of small scale recycling. We will look into this!“

Eunice, Clean Up with Misión Tiburón in Golfito, Costa Rica

Recycling Events

Events demonstrate the impact of recycling

“I found out how IN MOCEAN is giving people practical tools and training so they can help themselves in the long run. I find that very intriguing. Nike also openly shared their lessons learned during the event with us, which made me believe even more in their activities.“

Marta, Founder of the Eco Centro Saboga Bonita, Panama

Events demonstrate the impact of recycling

“I found out how IN MOCEAN is giving people practical tools and training so they can help themselves in the long run. I find that very intriguing. Nike also openly shared their lessons learned during the event with us, which made me believe even more in their activities.“

Marta, Founder of the Eco Centro Saboga Bonita, Panama

Recycling Workshops

Workshops inspire to take action

“It was surprising to see how easily plastic waste can be turned into something useful. I want to try and raise money to set up something similar in my town. The more people do this, the less plastic will end up in nature and hurting animals.“

Celia, participant of a recycling workshop on Isla Saboga, Panama

Workshops inspire to take action

“It was surprising to see how easily plastic waste can be turned into something useful. I want to try and raise money to set up something similar in my town. The more people do this, the less plastic will end up in nature and hurting animals.“

Celia, participant of a recycling workshop on Isla Saboga, Panama

Recycling Fleet

6 of 7 Recycling Ambassadors have each been outfitted with 2 mobile recycling machines in 2022.

6 of 7 Recycling Ambassadors have each been outfitted with 2 mobile recycling machines in 2022.

„As a sailor, I can`t imagine anything more important at the moment than getting plastic off our beaches. We believe that what IN MOCEAN is doing is actually going to work because it creates long-term incentives. Also, their work helps to reduce the barrier between cruisers and the local communities which is probably just as important.“

Logan, Co-Founder of Young Cruisers Association

„As a sailor, I can`t imagine anything more important at the moment than getting plastic off our beaches. We believe that what IN MOCEAN is doing is actually going to work because it creates long-term incentives. Also, their work helps to reduce the barrier between cruisers and the local communities which is probably just as important.“

Logan, Co-Founder of Young Cruisers Association

Impact of Raising Awareness in 2022


engaged with our digital content, raising their awareness about the potential of small-scale plastic recycling for remote coastal areas


learned about solutions against the plastic crisis in 32 workshops and 6 events


engaged with our digital content, raising their awareness about the potential of small-scale plastic recycling for remote coastal areas


learned about solutions against the plastic crisis in 32 workshops and 6 events


How we spent
75,500 Euros

78% on Impact Work

12% on Administration

10% on Marketing & Funding

59,000 € (78 %) was spent to creating impact, for our work with the recycling workspaces and creating awareness about plastic
pollution and solutions to tackle it.

8,800 € (12 %) was spent on administrative tasks.

7,200 € (10 %) was spent on Marketing & Fundraising.

59,000 € (78 %) was spent to creating impact, for our work with the recycling workspaces and creating awareness about plastic
pollution and solutions to tackle it.

8,800 € (12 %) was spent on administrative tasks.

7,200 € (10 %) was spent on Marketing & Fundraising.

Nearly 70% of the budget was spent on machines and material (51,993 €). This includes 14 mobile recycling machines for the fleet members and 3 workspace machines.


Although 15,ooo € was spent for wages, half of this was re-invested privately to cover travel cost as well as tools and materials for workshops.

Nearly 70% of the budget was spent on machines and material (51,993 €). This includes 14 mobile recycling machines for the fleet members and 3 workspace machines.


Although 15,ooo € was spent for wages, half of this was re-invested privately to cover travel cost as well as tools and materials for workshops.

How we raised
66,500 Euros

48% via Crowdfunding

37% via other Private Donations

15% via Coprorate Donors

Nearly half of the money that we raised (31,800 €) came via our crowdfunding campaign in December 2021. The main driver was the media reach of our fleet members.

24,900 € (37%) was raised via private donations, not related to our crowdfunding campaign. 20,000 € of that was a generous private donation that provided much needed planning stability for 2022.


9,800 € was raised via corporate donations, some of which had heard about IN MOCEAN recycling activities in the German press.

Nearly half of the money that we raised (31,800 €) came via our crowdfunding campaign in December 2021. The main driver was the media reach of our fleet members.

24,900 € (37%) was raised via private donations, not related to our crowdfunding campaign. 20,000 € of that was a generous private donation that provided much needed planning stability for 2022.


9,800 € was raised via corporate donations, some of which had heard about IN MOCEAN recycling activities in the German press.

Thanks to your donations,
2022 was a great success

Ed donates his time

“It`s incredible to see how much IN MOCEAN has moved with such a small team. To ensure that they can spend their time creating more postive impact, I decided to volunteer in 2023 to help gather funding for their activities.“

Private donor of 20,000 €

„The solution that Maria and Nike are offering makes sense and I know that these two women have the necessary skills to deliver it. Being able to directly see the change my donation has created makes me feel part of it and that I did something meaningful with my money.“

Corporate donor of 5,000 €

„We look forward to see this plastic extrusion machine that we donated for in action in the next workspace in 2023.“

To fight the plastic pollution crisis, we need all hands on deck!

A huge „thank you“ to everyone, who was IN MOCEAN with us in 2022. Together, we proved that we can create positive change for the people and the environment.

We hope that the impact we created in 2022 will inspire you to support IN MOCEAN in 2023!

To fight the plastic pollution crisis, we need all hands on deck!

A huge „thank you“ to everyone, who was IN MOCEAN with us in 2022. Together, we proved that we can create positive change for the people and the environment.

We hope that the impact we created in 2022 will inspire you to support IN MOCEAN in 2023!