Our Vision

We strive for a world where plastic waste is treated as a precious commodity, generating sustainable growth for remote coastal communities. A world with clean oceans and a healthy environment.

Our Mission

IN MOCEAN tackles the global plastic pollution problem on a local level by setting up community recycling workspaces. The workspaces transform collected ocean plastic and domestic plastic waste into new products. Selling these products provides an income for local collectors and recyclers.

We empower people living in remote coastal areas by creating awareness around the economic potential of plastic recycling, introducing incentives to retrieve plastic waste from nature, and establishing infrastructure to properly dispose of domestic plastic waste.

In partnership with remote coastal communities, we develop solutions tailored to their needs. We help identify stakeholders, create funding plans that ensure sustainable infrastructures, and provide workshops on starting a self-sustainable community recycling workspace.

Our goal is to rid our oceans and shorelines of plastic waste while helping to fight poverty in rural coastal areas.

Our values

Voyaging towards our vision of clean oceans, the IN MOCEAN team use four values as navigational guidance:

Ocean Bound

Salt water runs through our veins. We are true ocean lovers. As sailors we are dependent on the ocean. It is our home, our playground, our livelihood. Living on the ocean drives us to protect this beautiful body of water.

Circular Economy

Our planet’s resources are limited. By recycling plastic, we bring the precious material back into the economic circle and create new value. We believe that establishing a circular economy can have a significant impact on solving the global plastic waste problem.

Global Network - Local Impact

We aim to create income in remote areas that will enable sustainable development for the entire local community. We use a global network of supporters and cooperation partners to achieve this goal on a local level.

Open Source & Transparency

Our goal is to maximize our impact in the fight against plastic pollution, not our profit. The more people work toward recycling plastic, the greater the global impact. That’s why we share our experiences and tools freely. We hope to inspire and empower others to join us in our mission.